What a way to start a weekend. For the first shot on the first day of Rally Queensland I headed to the fabulous railway bridge in the "Kadanga Long" stage. There is a variety of interesting wide shots that you can get here from both on top of and below the bridge. It's quite rustic so keeping bits of the bridge in the photo adds to the atmosphere of the shot.

However the sun was very low and intense early on so I decided to head to the top of the bridge and shoot tight down onto the watersplash with the cars backlit. I used a fast 1/800th sec shutter speed to freeze the water as the cars hit the splash. It was quite a nice shot but then along came Simon & Sue Evans. Simon attacked the corner fast and went through the watersplash
drifting sideways and sent water everywhere. Just fantastic and a perfect shot in the bag on my first stage. Thanks Simon, I couldn't have done it without you!

We then headed of to the main spectator point which was a bit dull and heavily backlit for the one decent corner but the final stage of the day was great. A heavily shaded water splash with dappled light when the sun came out. I think the photos speak for themselves. Rally Qld was then over for me for another year and early Sunday I had to return home with a quick 750km's back down the Pacific Hwy.
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